As I was walking in my park this afternoon—after listening to Alex Jones talk about "World War Three," I ran into a Plein Air painter painting...
Am I reading too much into what I then saw in my iPhone camera's digital rendering of the shadow being cast upon the skyline depicted in his painting?
Dateline: Tuesday night, Nov 19th: This morning, when I woke up at 6 AM ET to start my work day, I decided that I would—after my day-job tasks were completed, and after I took a long walk—put together the final touches of my short critique on Noami Wolf’s Nov 18th piece “Dear Team Trump: Don’t ‘Spike the Football’; Rather, Balance the Language and Walk Through the Biggest-Ever Open Door”—that I had drafted up yesterday—and post it, today.
That plan was scuttled shortly after I tuned into The Alex Jones Show at 12 noon ET—the start of the show—to hear what he had to say—while I continued to work my day-job tasks and have lunch (I work from home; laptop and an internet connection).
I thought to myself, “Wow, like how he seemed on the Sunday broadcast, Alex seems very agitated, very frantic again today (Tuesday).” Alex is by nature bombastic OnAir. But, as a frequent listener of his since 2012 that I am, something felt “off” in his voice, as in despondency. I did not listen to the Monday show.
Keywords that my ears stripped-out from the ‘noise’ (*)—that was The Tuesday Show:
“World War Three… Nukes… NATO… Strike into Russia… First Strike Policy… Atacums [?] [missiles]… Putin… Joe Biden is in Brazil… What is Kamala Harris doing in Hawaii right now? Baltic undersea communications cable severed [intentionally? by Russia?]… Putin… Biden… Trump…”
(*) Alex is not ‘noise’. But, in the state he was in, and, combined with, for me, what is the trigger-term “World War Three”—which I’ll get to in a moment, I could only do one of two things: either absorb his despondency and fail to hear his words, or vice versa. I vacillated between the two, and when I reflect on the memory of listening to him live, I find I can recall only the keywords—not sentences, not phrases…
Me to ChatGPT:
the 'atacum' missile? is that the correct acronym?
ChatGPT to me:
The correct acronym you're referring to is ATACMS, which stands for Army Tactical Missile System. It's a long-range, surface-to-surface missile developed by the U.S. military. ATACMS is designed to strike high-value targets such as command centers, air defense systems, and critical infrastructure, with ranges up to approximately 300 kilometers (about 186 miles), depending on the variant.
Alex, on Sunday, and again on Tuesday, seemed to be all over the map. I didn’t seem to be able to get to an understanding as what his bottom-line hypothesis (thesis?) was. What his ‘elevator pitch’ was.
On Sunday evening, half way through Alex’s Sunday show, I called a friend of mine, who has been following the Ukraine-Russia war for a while now. I said, “Alex Jones is talking about World War Three. It sounds pretty bad. Ukraine is going to launch NATO [US?] missiles into Russia…”
My friend then proceeded to lay out the case, through detailed examples, how Putin—in his role as Commander-in-chief of the Russian military, was the bad actor here, not Ukraine/US/NATO.
I blurted out, “Then that implies that Alex Jones, Tucker, and others in the Mainstream Alternative Media are wrong. Even Drudge.”
I haven’t been following the particulars of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia War at all over these past nearly three years (yes, I know it kicked off in Feb 2014, not Feb 2022; that Feb 2022 ‘marked an escalation in the then 8-year battle’ or what have you). But in the last week of Feb 2022, the bombed-out buildings shown in video loops the day after the war had kicked-off, looked to me to be video of not actual buildings, but rather, video of ‘video-game bombed-out buildings’—which registered in my mind, as fake.
“Is this ‘1984’ [the novel now]? Are they actually doing ‘1984’ on us now?”—that is, are the Powers That Be just saying that a War an Invasion by Russian Forces is occurring, but, in actuality, there is no War Invasion by Russian Forces that is actually occurring? I’d thought that at the time. And subconsciously, that was the moment I ‘tuned out’—like I said, nearly three years ago. (Today, reflecting back on that moment nearly three years ago, maybe the proper reframing is “Why, when it comes to Main Stream American News covering foreign affairs, does such ‘coverage’ always lack ‘nutrition’?”)
I and my (Sunday) friend: back and forth, back and forth. I wasn’t agitated; he wasn’t agitated. It was as if we were in a clinical environment, a white-walled lab, with fluorescent lights overhead, no windows, at the lab bench dissecting a fat juicy bullfrog… I saw this as an opportunity; I wanted to thoroughly understand the case he was making… to listen his view point… and to then fully digest it…
It’s my digestion of the back and forth of that Sunday evening conversation—with my (Sunday) friend, that I want to tell you about, and it is this—in my voice, not my (Sunday) friend’s voice (I’ll put it in a ‘block quote’):
“The will be no World War Three—meaning, precisely, there will be no raining down of 5,000 nuclear bombs, everywhere, across the world. Secondly, that the ‘kinetic’ fight, though it will continue to rage on in Ukraine and Russia, will not spill outside of Ukraine and Russia into a neighboring NATO country, nor into the US.”
See, to me, “World War Three,” when I hear it, is a trigger-term. A short-hand slang for… “a raining down of 5,000 nuclear bombs, everywhere, across the world. Armageddon.”
So, with that nugget digested (on Sunday)—namely, that the ‘kinetic’ fight,… will NOT spill outside of Ukraine and Russia—I now come to Tuesday—The Alex Jones Show on Tuesday:
As I’m keying in on Alex’s despondency, and then, as I’m keying in on Alex’s frantically spoken words, and then, as I’m keying in on what I digested on Sunday, AND THEN—and, this is important, as I’m asking myself, forcefully, powerfully (*)—posing the question to myself as, “What is Alex’s bottom line? But, what is Alex’s bottom line? But, what is Alex’s bottom line?”
(*) Forcefully, powerfully: Not in a frequency of frustration towards Alex. But, rather, in a frequency of a ‘confident projection of the will’—as one would deploy when getting ready to do a set of bench presses.
Then, after all that ‘keying in’—on my part, what clicked in my mind was the following—that my (Sunday) friend and Alex Jones were both ‘directionally correct’, and, in my opinion, in the following manner (I’ll put it in a ‘block quote’):
NATO to stage a “Gulf of Tonkin”-like incident (*). Then, officially decree that that horrible incident IS “World War Three”—the trigger-word. THEN THAT word-association becomes the PRETEXT for “Trump is now NOT allowed to take office on January 20, 2025.”
(*) The entire world does not blow up (**). It’s all an Op designed to prevent Trump from taking power (from assuming the Office) come January, 2025.
(**) In this day-and-age, since everyone gets their non-immediate reality through screens, the incident occurring could be occurring entirely virtually. Or, just a few real-world physical buildings destroyed with conventional explosives—sprinkling in a little radiation shortly after the fact—for the Geiger counters…
“The Elysium-people don’t want the world blown up,” I was saying to my friend and fellow substack writer
over the phone this evening (Tuesday)—after I finished my walk—post-gaming my hypothesis with her, when she finished my sentence with, “because Elon hasn’t built the rockets to Mars, yet.”Which brings me to the Plein Air painter painting, that I ran into, on my walk, in my park...
He was standing, facing north, looking up the Hudson River, painting, at the location where, 248 years ago, this incident happened:
On November 16, 1776, Fort Washington [situated about one half mile south of where the Plein Air painter is standing and painting] […] was attacked by the Hessians and British.
John Corbin was in charge of firing a small cannon from the top of a ridge [the ridge being the ridge where the Plein Air painter is standing and painting]—situated in what is known today as Fort Tryon Park—[situated about a half mile north of Fort Washington].
During an assault by the Hessians, John Corbin was killed [on the ridge], leaving his cannon unmanned.
Margaret Corbin had been with her husband on the battlefield the entire time, and, after witnessing his death, she immediately took his place at the cannon, continuing to fire until her arm, chest, and jaw were hit by enemy fire.
The British ultimately won the Battle of Fort Washington, resulting in the surrender of Margaret Corbin and her comrades and the taking of the last American position in New York City.
As the equivalent of a wounded soldier, Margaret Corbin was released by the British on parole. [Source: wikipedia]
The sun is behind him. It’s casting a shadow of his head onto the canvas—which my iPhone has picked up (rendered) as only showing up in the “sky”-portion of the painting.
After listening to Alex Jones all afternoon today, I saw the shadow cast into the “sky”-portion of the painting, not as a shadow, but rather, as a nuclear bomb mushroom cloud painted into the skyline… But, I’m left with this feeling only when I look at the digitally rendered photo. In real life, I don’t didn’t see it; and, what I feel felt in real life is was, “Oh, I wish his shadow wasn’t in the way right now.” Is this a metaphor?
Etiquette: As with a software developer who has his headphones on and is furiously typing—two screens in from of him, you do not interrupt him, lest he break his “flow”—which will cost him 30 minutes or more to regain. The same rule applies when you encounter a painter painting…1
The scene the Plein Air painter is looking at while painting:
In the distance, you first see “the Cloisters [Building], also known as the Met Cloisters—a museum in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Upper Manhattan, New York City. The museum, situated in Fort Tryon Park, specializes in European medieval art and architecture, with a focus on the Romanesque and Gothic periods.” [Source: wikipedia]
Beyond the Cloisters, looking up the Hudson River, in the first photo above, you see “the [white] Tappan Zee Bridge—officially named the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge after the former New York governor—a twin cable-stayed bridge spanning the Tappan Zee section of the Hudson River between Tarrytown and Nyack. It was built (2017) to replace the original Tappan Zee Bridge which opened in 1955.” [Source: wikipedia]
Update: Dateline: Wed, Nov 20th: 12:29 pm ET: I tune into Alex… “…Ukraine… Zelensky… Dictator… So, NATO is at War with Russia, and with China, and with North Korea, and with Iran, right now… and [that that state of War] will be used to control the Trump presidency…” Fade-out to the bottom-of-the-hour commercial break.
12:33pm ET: Fade-back-in after the bottom-of-the-hour commercial break: Bumper music by The Doors. “Girl, you gotta love your man…”. Alex and the crew let it the song breath and sit out there for a good two full minutes…
12:35pm ET: Alex: “World War Three officially began today…” (*)
(*) Me riffing on what Alex was getting at: Not all ‘World War Threes’ have to necessarily be nuclear ‘World War Threes’; some ‘World War Threes’ can be non-nuclear; when he’s saying “World War Three officially began today…”, he’s referring to the latter type of ‘World War Three’.
Whew—on one level: Alex is back to his normal bombastic self. I detect none of that despondency in his voice that I heard in it on Tuesday and Sunday. Intense focus. Espousing the ‘bottom lines’ to the listeners with clarity. A fireside chat.
Will the ‘kinetic’ actions expand outside Ukraine and Russia? And, if so, where? And, if so, by how much? Well, anything in that regard could happen, no?
On another level, here’s the subtext I feel Alex is getting at right now: He’s laying out the “Sun Tzu ‘Art of War’” deep ‘war game’ psychology of the NATO Brain Bugs who hate Trump, or, who, at the least, hate the symbolism of what Trump represents (for example, the straight-talking, hard-working businessman/working-man)—and that these Brain Bugs want to scare us in hopes of getting us to bend our will…
I’m ‘back on track’—like I just had BOTH a chiropractic adjustment and a punching in the nose—for, on the one hand, listening to Alex imparting his tremendous wisdom—to us indebted listeners—and, on the other hand, for now having a feeling of stoicism in the face of it all—whether they choose to nuke us, or conventionally bomb us, or just psyop us.
Now, I can get back to drafting up my piece critiquing Naomi’s “Don’t ‘Spike the Football’” piece…
In the pre-COVID era, when one was still largely required to be in the office, the office was, most times that not, an “open office”—by the late-90s/early 2000s, with the cubicles being taken away (for reasons). In this “open office” setting, disruptions (outbursts) galore—being caused by the non software developers, were effecting the productivity of the software developers. So, Etiquette Rules needed to be established…
Thank you all for stopping by, coming on word from Celia Farber, and checking out my stack!
And thank you for the well wishes! I really appreciate it!
What a masterpiece. Bravo!!!! Amazing.