I think what you're saying here cuts to a very deep core: It needed to be said, and I hope it catches on. Are Covid dissidents demonstrating battered wife syndrome here? Probably more like wanting-to-be-in-the-club syndrome. I have great admiration for Naomi Wolf, and as you note, her presentational and oratory as well as writing skills; When I read this piece, I agreed with parts of it. But the OP ED things strikes me as extremely antiquated. IMAGINE a 20 30 or even 40 year old who reads OP ED pages?

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Great points!

Regarding battered-wife/wanting-to-be-in-the-club syndrome... yes, I now no longer see the need anymore (after 9 long years) for Trump & team to continue to directly court the writers employed by Legacy media newspapers. He & team should go on the offensive, here---George Patton -like (after the fall of Berlin)--Patton's gut vision to immediately start fighting the Soviets on the Eastern Front, and eschew these writers.

Which ties into the antiquated Op-Eds... My thought here is that the 'distribution vehicle' of the Trump Administration's Op-Ed/Mission Statement -like essays and speech transcripts IS /CAN NOW BE: That Trump & team exclusively release said digital texts to Writers on substack -- intentionally bypassing the writers employed by Legacy media newspapers.

The additional thought is, we're in the Age of Pamphleteering Again--and, but, I would say that we always were--regardless of what 'trance' the Professional Managerial Class had us fixated on the past 120 years about their so-called 'objective journalism',... Prominent substack writers--regardless of what "side of the aisle" they're on, represent and tap back into that energy we've lost as a Nation... Why Trump & team -- with their forthcoming written essays & speech transcripts, need to court independent, self-employed substack Writers exclusively, when they court Writers.

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I’m a simple person but I can get with this person was getting at and I hope the mega crowd does it United all as one people in America made up of both Democratic Republicans independence the whole gambit of political parties bring us United thank you for that well written deep meaning message I hope the mega crowd adapts it. It moves forward in a positive Way,. God bless us all, God bless America Christian values formed this great nation with the blessings of God Almighty above amen

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