Some key hospitals—that castrate and hormone-drug minors, have publicly announced they've now stopped castrating and hormone-drugging minors
D.C. Children’s National, New York University Langone, University of Colorado Health, Denver Health, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Virginia
“The most striking example of this preemptive compliance comes from D.C. Children’s National Hospital, which provided Erin in the Morning with an official statement regarding its revised [Castrating & Hormone-Drugging Under 19 Years Of Age] policies. In the statement, the hospital emphasized its commitment to providing care ‘in accordance with the law.’ However, in direct response to Trump’s executive order, the hospital confirmed that it has ‘paused prescriptions of puberty blockers and hormone therapy to comply with the directives while [they] assess the situation further.’ [...] This decision, despite no immediate enforcement mechanism being in place, signals a worrying trend of institutions acting in anticipation of political pressure rather than standing by their established commitments to [Castrating & Hormone-Drugging Under 19 Years Of Age].”
“A number of the hospitals pulling back on care are located in blue states that have explicitly designated themselves as ‘sanctuaries’ for [Castrating & Hormone-Drugging Under 19 Years Of Age]. Sanctuary laws exist to provide legal protections for [Castrating & Hormone-Drugging Under 19 Years Of Age], making bans [initiated by the Federal government] difficult to enforce. The decisions of these hospitals to preemptively comply with Trump’s executive order stand in direct contradiction to state healthcare [sic] policies designed to protect [a minor’s] access to [castration and hormone-drugging].”
I had no interest in subscribing to her substack that you linked, just to like or leave a message. Primarily because supports the deepest evils I have ever seen. But I understand why you did and cool. It reflects from their perspective what is clearly going on. Brilliant. Which is, she is for harming children and is rallying to continue that. Let me guess she would also tell me to stay out of her abortion movement and mind my own business so she could have free reign over the vulnerable and innocent just like flocking to children and guiding them for changing their sex, for life. That is unacceptable. Adults? Knock yourselves out. But she'd say it's none one of my business. I see the evil. I am also aware of Project 2025. Which is that not just the same kind of approach that Trump does? Doing things that matter to certain Americans and gather their unwavering support as he deceptively guides them somewhere else, hidden in plain sight, which they will not resist, reject, or call out? But knowing it is all wrong, unconstitutional and thus UnAmerican? Isn't this also what Project 2025 is doing. Placing attractive goals to accomplish but mainly with a real big goal that is also UnAmerican? But it is all just ok since I agree with it and not the Supreme Law of The Land, that I am utilizing, to overthrow it. Simply because one resonates with the milestone goals even when it has larger Unconstitutional anti-American goals? Is the American Constitution ect really the bad guy? No need to follow it except to fool people along?