Gavin NewScum is a Wild-Fire criminal: He effectively placed California in a state of zero mechanical thinning and zero controlled burns—FOR YEARS
The Citizens of SoCal pay the price for NewScum's malfeasance
“[Just like Gavin NewScum], Arnold [Schwarzenegger] didn’t do anything [to prevent the wild-fires from getting out of control] either.” — Gabriel Kirkpatrick-Mann
[paraphrasing] “Hurricane culture is in the culture of the Floridians. California has an earthquake culture, but it’s crazy there’s no California wild-fire culture—being that it’s a daily, monthly, yearly thing.”
“They call it ‘raking the forest’… Finland doesn’t have this problem, they tell me.” — President Donald Trump
This podcast—by host
—with guest and documentary film-maker Gabriel Kirkpatrick-Mann—about the truths and the lies of wild-fire prevention and wild-fire fire fighting in California, is devastating to listen to. Devastating because the gears in one’s head will turn and turn and turn on the hearing of every sentence spoken—as one begins to fathom the implications of how what has happened in Southern California this past week could have all been prevented.It’s not about water or the lack there of. Well, one does have to have water flowing to the fire hydrants. You see, water is the last resort; it’s for when a building is burning. Rather, it’s about when a wild-fire starts, that it never ends up getting to the buildings in the first place…
And that’s all about mechanical thinning and controlled burns of large sections mountain forests—regularly every year—and, the unsung heroes who do that work. The same men that go up the mountains to tame a wild-fire that gets out of control… “It’s as close to being in a war zone as you’ll ever get.”
These men are very calm, very zen-dailed-in when they’re working—as Kirkpatrick-Mann describes further along in the podcast. In the beginning of the podcast, you learn that he embedded with them to make a documentary about them—the wild-fire fire fighters (trailer). That calm/zen… reminds of the raw audio transcript of airline pilot Sully and the Air Traffic Controller calmly/zen-like talking about crash-landing Sully’s plane on the Hudson River—using it as a runway strip (the sixteenth anniversary of which is this Wednesday).
It’s NewScum’s lack of sustained actions—effectively no mechanical thinning and no controlled burns—over the course of years—that sparked the flames—that made this past week’s wild-fires largely uncontainable.
Transcript except:
They [California as a whole, but primarily in the south] need to [control]-burn [and mechanically thin] 4 to 11 million acres every year just to keep the forest in check because there’s so much growing every year. They [California] only burned 36,000 acres [!] last year [more like 30,000 because they also fake the count (mentioned later in the podcast)]. And five years ago, four and a half years ago, Gavin Newsom, he had all this fanfare with this press conference where he pledged to burn a million acres every year. It’s not enough, but it’s a start. That’d be great. [But] [t]hey’re [currently] only burning 36,000 [acres per year]. Here we are five years later. They still can’t get their act together. And you wonder...
...[G]uess which [other] state has a wildfire problem: [Florida]. [Becuase of all the ‘fuel’ (downed trees) due to the hurricanes]
So, Florida will routinely [control]-burn 2 million acres every single year [and] California is only burning 36,000 [acres]... so that means that in one year Florida burns more than California has burned in the last 50 years and people are wondering, oh, why is there so much fuel [brush and wood on the ground]; it’s because they’re not doing the work...
And Malibu in particular is Fire Alley. So this series of canyons from Santa Clarita through Malibu Canyon out into the ocean is where those Santa Ana winds get channeled. So that’s the outflow boundary. And so, you go back every 25 years, since the beginning of time, you will see articles about Malibu burning to the ground in one of these fires…
Link to the podcast:
Newsom is only a figurehead but off with his head.
Where are the people who are not part of the agenda.
Probably not in California.
The devastating fires that hit Los Angeles may not have been random.
According to an anonymous source affiliated with the World Economic Forum (WEF), these events are part of a well-orchestrated plan by the globalist elite to confiscate land, poison the environment and restructure the city according to the dictates of the so-called “New World Order”.